Author: Brandon Fyfe, Thompson’s Plumbing 20 October 2021
Tips for a bath-shower conversion
If you physically do not have enough space within the four walls of your bathroom to cater for both a bath and a shower, the convenience of changing your bathtub to a combination bath-shower can be a game-changer for the modern-day life. Compared to a standard bathtub, a bath-shower offers a functional addition to a bathroom that is almost necessary in today’s day and age in terms of time and water saving.
When doing a bath-to-shower conversion there are a few important points to take into consideration regarding the existing installation.
Base of the bath: when laying in a bath your weight is distributed more evenly over the entire surface, which should be secured by a cement base beneath. Now, when standing in the bath, your weight is falling over a much smaller surface area, resulting in more pressure at that specific point and, if the cement base beneath is not properly installed, the bath may physically crack or the waste outlet beneath may come loose, both points due to repeated flex of the surface.
Waterproofing: the surrounding walls of your existing bath installation are often not waterproofed, therefore the splashing water created by a shower may get into the walls and, as a result, seep into the base of the bath. This is often more hazardous to apartment blocks which will leak through to the floor below. In order to ensure the area is safe from leaks, it is advisable to waterproof the area before tiling or painting.
Is the existing bathtub waterspout adaptable to the new bath-shower components? If you are uncertain of this, your preferred plumber should advise on the most suitable method as there are many different fittings, taps, hoses and outlets that vary in shapes, sizes and connections.
The existing bath will obviously not have a glass panel or curtain to protect the floor from splash or spillage. The type of panel or curtain that you make use of will have to be specific to your installation. Once again, your preferred plumber will advise on a suitable and efficient solution for this.
Please note that each plumbing installation varies and requires an inspection for assessment specific to the existing installation and renovation requirements. Make use of a qualified, registered and experienced plumbing company to put yourself in a position to make an informed decision to avoid potential long-term and costly defects like the ones mentioned above.
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