Professional Drain Cleaning & Camera Inspections

We offer conventional methods, if they fail, we have the following specialized services available: high-pressure jetting, rotor machine and camera inspections.

bathroom renovations

Leaking storm water pipe camera inspection.

bathroom renovations

Blocked sewerage line camera inspection.

blocked water drain

Storm water drainage camera inspection.

plumbing services

Blocked pipeline repaired using a camera inspection.

thompsons plumbing

Removal of tree roots from a sewer line.

blocked water drain

Blocked storm water drain due to root intrusion. Successfully cleared using a rotor machine.

blocked storm water drain

Blocked storm water drain due to root intrusion. Successfully cleared using a rotor machine.

blocked pipe camera inspection

Blocked pipeline camera inspection.

blocked pipe camera inspection

Pipe camera.

plumbing services

Blocked pipeline camera inspection.

plumbing services

CCTV or Camera drain inspection to pinpoint reoccurring blockages.

plumbing services

Blocked pipeline camera inspection.

blocked storm water drain

Blocked storm water drain due to root intrusion. Successfully cleared using a rotor machine.

Contact us...

Office & emergency: (021) 976-0327

C32 Icon Business Park, Fourie Str, Brackenfell

plumbing services

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