Our Team
Thompson’s Plumbing comprises of the owner, a general manager, an administration assistant and four operational teams. Each team consists of an experienced plumber together with a general worker, apprentice plumber or labourer. All staff and teams are knowledgeable, informed, committed and proud to be a part of the business, as well as the industry. As a complete team we strive to uphold the highest standard of plumbing and service to every one of our clients.
Brandon Fyfe
Plumber & Business Owner
Alexis Snell-Loubello
General Manager
Xandelé Sturgiss
Niklaas Pretorius
Plumber & Team Leader
Samuel Kuyimana
Plumber & Team Leader
Keegan Mundell
Plumber & Team Leader
Marthinus Jacobus Vos
Apprentice Plumber
Joel Cass
Apprentice Plumber
John Phiri
General Worker
Andile Gasela
General Worker
In loving memory of A. Zanenkosi
Gone, but never forgotten
Contact us...
Office & emergency: (021) 976-0327
C32 Icon Business Park, Fourie Str, Brackenfell
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