Author: Brandon Fyfe, Thompson’s Plumbing 28 July 2020
Certificate of Compliance (CoC)
What is a plumbing certificate of compliance?
A plumbing inspection is required to support the sale of a property to ensure it is up to date with the current SANS code of regulations. These laws and regulations are put in place to protect the buyer and seller of any existing plumbing defects on the property.
How long does a plumbing certificate of compliance last?
A plumbing certificate of compliance is legally valid for 6 months. However, this is provided that there has not been any alterations, modifications or upgrades of any shape or form to the original plumbing installation or since the last plumbing certificate of compliance was issued.
Who can issue a CoC?
Only a registered plumber may issue a CoC, therefore, the person must have a license issued by the Department of Labour. An unregistered person may work at the property, but only under supervision of a registered person.
How it works:
• A qualified, registered plumbing company will come to your property and carry out a thorough inspection to all plumbing.
• If there are no plumbing defects found we will issue a compliance certificate at our standard call-out, labour and certificate rate.
• If defects are found, we will document them and provide a quotation based on the necessary alteration required to obtain compliance.
• If the quotation is approved, we will then schedule a suitable date and time to carry out the alterations.
• A qualified, competent team will carry out the required alterations.
• Once alterations are carried out, we will issue an invoice based on the pre-approved quotation and, finally, the signed-off plumbing certificate of compliance.
The issue of a certificate of compliance falls under our plumbing general maintenance and repairs services category where we are well-informed and keep up to date with current laws and regulations.
Office & 24hr emergency: (021) 976-0327
C32 Icon Business Park, Fourie Str, Brackenfell

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