Author: Brandon Fyfe, Thompson’s Plumbing 21 August 2020
Municipal boundaries: what is your responsibility as a residential homeowner?
There are 278 municipalities in South Africa, comprising of eight metropolitan, 44 district and 226 local municipalities. They are focused on growing local economies and providing infrastructure and services. Each municipality must ensure that all members of the local community are provided with basic municipal services, these are services which are necessary to ensure an acceptable and reasonable quality of life. The non-provision of these services results in a risk to public health, or the safety of the environment. Services must be provided in a manner that is fair and accessible, as well as financially and environmentally sustainable. It is the responsibility of municipalities to monitor and review the provision of municipal services, with the goal of ongoing improvement in levels and quality of service.
Thompson’s Plumbing services one of the eight metropolitan municipalities, namely City of Cape Town Municipality. For every residential property, the basis of plumbing is a concept of potable water coming in and non-potable wastewater draining out.
The service utilities that the City of Cape Town Municipality is responsible for providing and maintaining is: Potable cold water supply with municipal isolating valve and meter, non-potable wastewater drainage connection point.
What the municipality is not responsible for: Any and all plumbing within the private boundary of the property after the municipal cold water supply and wastewater drainage point.
If there are queries regarding your municipal utility services it can be logged via three platforms: (1) Call 0860 103 089; (2) Whatsapp 063 407 3699 and (3) Email – these platforms being for any water related queries. The City usually has a 24-48 hour turn-around time depending on their availability.
For further information please view the Municipal Services Act:
Office & 24hr emergency: (021) 976-0327
C32 Icon Business Park, Fourie Str, Brackenfell

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